Location: Humboldt County, California
Client: PG&E
DZC Consulting was contracted by CH2M Hill to provide cultural resources monitoring support during the PG&E Essex Junction Substation Upgrade project. The substation was adjacent to a multi-component site and was considered to have a high potential for the discovery of buried cultural resources.
DZC Consulting provided historic and Native American cultural monitoring services during ground-disturbing activities associated with the project through June and July of 2017. DZC coordinated with the Bear River Band of the Rhonerville Rancheria to address Tribal concerns prior to the start of excavations. DZC also provided the construction crew with archeological awareness training at the start of the project.
Construction equipment utilized included backhoes and large diameter augers, and the substation was actively charged during operations. DZC engaged the use of fire-resistant clothing and Arc-Flash training during on-site work for worker safety. As part of the protocol agreement, monitors maintained daily logs for each day of work which included a description of project activities and results of monitoring. Logs were submitted to the client weekly. As a precontact site was immediately adjacent to the site, monitors also screened excavation spoils for artifacts.